Wednesday 22 January 2014

REVIEW: Frank Ilfman - Big Bad Wolves (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

When first asked to review the soundtrack for the recently released Israeli thriller, Big Bad Wolves, I was expecting a traditional compilation record with the usual contributions from horror-themed bands, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. This is actually the classical score to the film, taking what I thought would be a pretty simple review to a whole new experience. Listening to something that has been created to work with visuals, but without the plot of the film to follow is difficult - it’s a bit listening to an audiobook in a different language; you can sense when the pace quickens, or something dramatic happens, but you don’t really have any idea what is really happening.

All that said, the music compositions are very slick and impressive and (I imagine) work seamlessly alongside the film. As you’d expected, they are all orchestral pieces of varying pace (depending on the atmosphere being created), with strings playing a very prominent role. This is especially noticeable in those sections where drama is building, as in The Chair of Horror as well as in The Chase, where percussion adds an even more thrilling element.

I have to admit after numerous listens, I begin to appreciate the monumental amount of work that goes in to creating a collection of music that can tell its own story and also work in the separate context of enhancing a visual experience. The meticulous level of detail that composer Frank Ilfman has shown is truly impressive, and whilst this was not what I was expecting to review, it was a pleasant experience nonetheless.

Rating: 7/10 skulls

Available on CD/digital from:

Reviewed by Steven Farkas